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National Human Trafficking Awareness Day-January 11

I just found out about this today as I have been online, but wanted to make my blog community aware, too.  The sale and exploitation of people is some of the worst evil that the Enemy and human beings are capaeble of, and it is an injustice that grieves our Father’s heart immensely. 
Below are excerpts from an email sent by a former co-worker who is now on the front lines of ministry to exploited children in Cambodia.  So, as you go about your normal routine today, let us be aware of the reality that millions of women and children find themselves in at this very moment.  Please take a few minutes to read these stories below and ask God what your response should be.  Our prayers matter.  Our hearts toward injustice matter.

“…a part of me wants to hurry and rush away from the
nightmares: falling in love with a ten-year-old little girl and finding
out that she’s been sold for sex, for years, every night…seeing blood
on another little girl’s dress and learning that the scars on her face
come from her pedophile….telling a five year old who’s been sold for
sex, that it’s ok if she stands up and does our craft activity since
it’s obviously too painful for her to sit down and do it…. “
“Anna” also shares this story of a young girl named “Hope”*:
     Hope’s mom and dad ran a brothel for years, and had sold
her since she was little. Her mom and dad got into trouble with the
police, (the handful that are NOT corrupt), and fled back to Vietnam
where they came from. They left Hope to continue to be sold by her
grandmother; this is very common, for the kids to be living with and
being sold by Grandma.
     Well, the elderly couple that lived across the street
from Hope and her grandmother began to care for Hope, as she obviously
was in trouble and didn’t have anyone who loved her to care for her.
The elderly couple treated Hope like a daughter, and for the first
time, she began to know what true family is. Then, one day a pedophile
came to take Hope. This was 2 and a half months ago. The elderly couple
did not want Hope to be sold, again, and did something that no one had
done for her her entire life. They stood up for her. They told the
pedophile, NO, you can’t take her. And then, just like the rape he came
to commit against Hope’s young body, the pedophile tried to take the
lives of this elderly couple. He ran them down with his car.
     Both the old man and woman were left with broken bodies,
and spent the past two and a half months in the hospital. The man has a
broken shoulder and hip bone or pelvis, and can’t walk. The woman had
surgery on one leg and now limps around…Hope stayed with them the
entire time they were in the hospital…

They were run down in a car for trying to help one young girl.
Can you imagine the thoughts against those of us who are trying to help
ALL of the young girls? Upon meeting this old couple, my heart swelled
up with pride for them. They took a stand. Physically. They did
something about it. That day, even one day, Hope was not raped. 
 I go into 2010 knowing that you guys are with me; that you
stand up for me, that you stand beside me, and that through this entire
year, you have stayed with me.  When I hear about the tears you shed
for the broken children here, I know I am not alone. And I know the
kids who are sold for sex aren’t either. Let’s not give up on
them….let’s stand together-in front of moving cars, in the faces of
pedophiles, and against all evil…for no weapon formed against us will
 *names have been changed to protect victims and those who are laboring with Christ to see breakthrough in this area.  I have seen first hand the labor and sacrifice that those responding to this call are enduring for the hope to see God’s glory manifested in these dark places.  They need our support, encouragement and intercession.
Here are some good resources to check out for more information:


  1. Dear Jessica,
    I feel that God is weeping over this situation you tell about. I’ve just been watching the early reports of the earthquake in Haiti, before I read your entry,and that was the thought that was in my mind—that the Lord’s heart was weeping over His children in Haiti. Being from a long-time news watching family, it always hurts when drought, flood, and hurricanes hit such a poor country like Haiti, over the years. Being such a poor country must mean that there is a large lack of education, yet their hearts hurt like ours, and their bodies hurt physically like ours–more so I guess since their health care isn’t like ours.
    Jessica, I’m glad we have people like you who have a heart for people in such situations.
    Much love, Emily

  2. Thank you so much Jessica! I was just browsing for something on Jason Upton and ran across this blog. Thank you for the information. Our church is taking an active role to support those who are victims of sex traffiking. Would it be ok if I copied and pasted some info to my FB and redirect them here for more info? :0)

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