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The Haiti Crisis-and How You Can Help

Below is a blog that was posted on AIM’s updates site.  I am thankful to be apart of an organization that has responded to this great need so quickly and with such compassion.  Please continue to pray for Haiti: the hundreds of thousands who have been affected, and the workers who are already in the thick of the chaos responding.  Jesus, we need you to come.

By this time it’s no surprise that Haiti was hit with a 7.0
magnitude earthquake last night, one of the worst earthquakes that the
country has experienced in decades. Many people have been asking how
they can help. Thankfully, AIM missionaries Miguel and Kristen Shaul
are on the field in the Dominican Republic right now and are headed to
Haiti as soon as possible to begin providing some much needed relief
and help to the country. Here is the latest from the Shauls:

Haiti ReliefThank you to everyone
who has been praying and sharing concern for our neighbors in Haiti. As
we speak we are coordinating with other NGO’s here in San Juan to mount an
emergency response to those affected by the earthquake that occurred yesterday
Four hours southwest of our home in San Juan lays the Dominican city of Jimani, which is
only about 40 miles east from the hardest hit area of Haiti.Our hope is to be able to travel to Jimani
early tomorrow morning, bringing supplies with us. 
If the borders are not too difficult, Miguel
will attempt to get in as far as possible and access the nearest need closest to
the Dominican border. We imagine
smaller, poorer towns will have massive devastation as well due to inadequate structural
integrity even though they are further out from the epicenter.
primary goal is to bring first response relief to those in need, supplies such
as food, blankets, shelters, and basic health care will be needed. Our secondary goal is to identify communities
in which we can get involved in long term rebuilding. In both of these cases, we request prayer for
the LORD’s leading of our effort and favor, and we also ask for partnership in funding our
response. Please consider joining in our work to respond to this great brokenness with the love of Christ.

How you can help:

Give a Gift
Click here to give a tax-deductible financial gift for the purchase of supplies needed for first response (food, blankets, shelters, basic health care, etc.).

Give Haiti Prayer

Continue to pray over the country of Haiti, over the ministry that
we’re establishing down there, and for physical and spiritual

We’ll keep you updated as things further develop.


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