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I’m Coming Home..

I am sitting in the Seoul airport (which, by the by, I think is my new favorite.  Free wifi+comfly lounge area for transfers=two thumbs up from this weary international traveler), waiting for my connecting flight to ATL.  My final days in Bangkok went from slight chaos to quiet mundane, most of it spent holed up in my new friend Liz’s apartment, watching copious amounts of ER on DVD.  Not really going out with a bang or trumpet of farewell, but somehow I perferred it that way.  I have never been great at ending things.  Slipping out seems to be my forte’.
I did have a sweet send off from my Well peeps, complete with encouraging words, prayer, and of course Mister Donut (the official good-bye treat of Thailand).  The kiddos were especially sweet to me the entire day, coming up and giving lots of hugs and kisses.  I will miss all their dear faces.


 So, here I go: back to the land of red GA clay, free refills on my drinks, and not throwing my toliet paper in the trashcan (even though I am sure I will the first few days).  Honestly, I don’t think I have ever been this excited to come back from overseas.  I am ready to help my mom decorate for Christmas and play with my niece and nephews.  Excited to spend a few days before Christmas in FL with my sister, and head out for some personal respite with some dear friends and the little farm they have created in Northern Cali at the New Year.  Anticipating some space, some time: to reflect, to ask questions that had a hard time forming these past months.  I definitely need a debrief of the last few months, and look forward to a spacious place with the Lord to do so.  Look for more blogs along those lines to come.
But, until then, I will sleep off my jet lag, hug people’s necks I have not seen in months, and eat some Chick-fil A.  Thank you for taking this journey with me-through finances, support, prayer, long distance skype convos, or any combo in between.  I’ll see you all on the other side of the international date line 🙂