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Seasons Change, Seasons Come and Go…

Yesterday I booked my flight to Thailand!  September 1st I fly out.  It’s on the corporate credit card, so no turning back now…
Last week,  Shaye and Teresa flew off to Kenya and Swaziland, respectively, for the month of June.  Maggie and Barton are heading off to Guatemala and India soon.  I head to Guatemala myself at the end of the month.  Rosie is leading a couple of STM trips in FL Somehow, we are all going to end back up together at the end of July to end this ComLife year.  Today, we set the table for family dinner as usual, and we realized we only took up half the table now, as opposed to having to squeeze in extra chairs.  The house is a little quieter and there are fewer voices piping in during our house meetings and bible studies.
It would be so darn easy to put on the cruise control and coast through til July 31st.   It’s an all too familar feeling-staring down the home stretch of one season, standing on the precipice of a new one.  Once again, I am faced with a choice, what people at AIM love to call “ending well.”
In my heart of hearts, my desire is to end all strong and victorious with a huge smile on my face.  My track record bears witness that this is always easier said than done.
Hmm.  I guess we will see what these next 6 or so weeks hold.  I’ll keep you posted.