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Right Where I Belong

Yesterday was the first day of training for World Racers going out on the field in July. I spent about 13 hours with them, helping the training staff where I could, but mostly listening, observing, and getting a little first person experience of what this World Race stuff is really all about. My spirit was SO encouraged by what I saw happening there. I love AIM’s raw and honest approach to discipleship. Day one, session one of the 10 day training camp and Seth Barnes, the president of AIM, basically tells this group “You say you are going on this trip because you desire for God to transform you. This process cannot happen apart from recognizing the junk that we all carry around inside of us. I am asking you to start , right now, asking God to reveal those things to you and began praying for a release from these things that bind and hinder you.” Later on that evening, they were given markers and told to have a prayer partner write these things that they needed to lay down and give over to Him on the back or side of their necks-to recognize where God is challenging them and symbolize their commitment to vulnerability and transparency with one another.  Whew! No beating around the bush, here folks! It was so amazing to see God beginning to minister freedom to their hearts. Can’t wait to see what day 9 looks like:) I also appreciate how this intensity is balanced out with so much grace, honor and love. Challenge is given, and refinement is expected while still honoring and meeting each individual where they are at. It’s all really good stuff.
I also enjoyed sitting in on the various teachings done by staff and others that AIM brings in. Last night a man named Ron Walborn did a session on discovering your spiritual instinct-basically identifying how God has wired you to encounter Him. He went over seven different common themes, gave characteristics of each one, and examples from history of people repersenting each. He emphasized the necessity of identifying this in your life, otherwise lots of time can be wasted in shame and condemnation as you try to fit yourself into a mold of connecting with God that simply does not work for you. I gleaned much to process and think about from that presentation- I found myself scribbling notes just as hard as the racers were;) I look forward to sitting under more teaching as the week goes on.
Jesus just really put a yes in my spirit throughout the day. I feel completely at peace, knowing that I am exactly where He wants me to be, and am full of gratitude that He would count me worthy to be apart of it.
So…day one of “work”? I’d say, it went pretty well;)

P.S….I am heading up to the mountains tomorrow to my old alma mater, YHC. I will be sharing a little at one of their campus ministries about AIM, opportunities to get involved, and hopefully doing a little support networking, too. Pray that God will give me the words to share the heart of AIM to this group (as I am still learning what that is) and open doors of network and support for me. Thanks, everyone, I so appreciate it:)


  1. I will be the first to comment! It’s great to hear that you are blessed in your new job! I love how God works out everything for our good. If you need someone to ride with you to YHC I’m on spring break! Love you!

  2. hey girl! thanks for coming to yhc. loved it. definitely still feel very comfortable with racing around the world.. but God is keeping his ideas of a time frame to himself. for now. love you!

  3. Once again, a new adventure. Don’t you just love the ups and downs of life! I am very excited for you and happy that you have found a place to serve and be yourself.

  4. hey you. it is so crazy to “catch up with you” through your blogs…but i rejoice with you for where God has brought you both physically and spiritually! I just have to say AMEN!

  5. Jess! We are so blessed to have you on board and working alongside of us in this crazy thing called The World Race. I look forward to lots of fun times ahead. Blessings!

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