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A Sabbatical. And What’s Next

This is a portion of my latest and final newsletter with AIM.  If you are on my blog subscription list, you received it in an email (if you didn’t for some reason, and would like to have a copy, give me a holler.)
 While still in Thailand, but after I realized it was not in my future to return, I was left feeling a little confused and uncertain of my next steps. Actually, that’s an understatement.  Let’s just say it was a hard time.  I had left everything back home and at AIM to pursue this Thailand thing and I was almost shocked at how evident it was that this was not what I was supposed to be doing.  I knew I needed some time to rest and regroup upon returning home I found a pretty cheap flight out to the west coast to visit some friends in Redding, CA.  My friends living out there are attending a ministry school at Bethel Church. It is a place full of hungry people seeking after the face of God and expecting Him to move in the fullness of everything He is.  And some pretty amazing things happen.  I couldn’t think of a better atmosphere to immerse myself in as I pressed into these questions.  So, I went out. I rested. I reflected.  I crashed some classes with my friends at ministry school.  I hung out with animals on the little farm my friends have created.  I gazed upon some beautiful snow capped mountains.  I was challenged and had breakthrough in some needed areas of my life.  All and all I couldn’t have asked for more from my time.  And I felt like I was getting direction on what to pursue next…
So, I am moving to California! Crazy, I know, but during my time in Redding, I had many words spoken over me about this next season of life being one of rest, refocus, and identity.  I have been in full time ministry for the past 7 years.  I have loved it and have grown so much, but feel like a break from it all to focus on some things that the Lord is wanting to do in me is what He is asking of me right now.  As I prayed through this in Redding I felt like the Lord was saying “I don’t care what you do.  Right now, I care more about who you surrounded yourself with.  So as I prayed where my community was, Redding, Bethel and my dear friends who are there was what God was highlighted to me.  I hope to be settled in and looking for work in Redding by March 1st.  Please keep me in your prayers during this time of moving and transition.


Unless you have been living under a rock, you know about the earthquake that struck Haiti back in January, devastating the nation and sending the rest of the world into a response. AIM has been on the ground pretty much since the earthquake happened and has formulated a strategic response for the long term. I received a phone call the Friday after the quake, asking me to go to Haiti with an AIM first response team to assess need and minister.  My heart immediately jumped at the chance to go, but I felt like the Lord was not asking that of me right now.  Right now, and for the next few months, I will be helping AIM recruit part time some people to go down and lead some of our short term projects we have.  If you are interested in serving in Haiti over the next few months, please contact me or check out AIM’s website for more info.

I so appreciate each of you who have sown into my ministry here at AIM for the last two years.  As of right now, I am discontinuing support raising.  If you are a monthly supporter, please cease sending support ASAP.  Please contact me if you have any questions.  Again, thank you for your partnership in the Kingdom!
I will continue to post on this site, so please feel free to still check back and leave comments :).  This season is ending, but I look forward to the next with much joy and anticipation.  Thanks for journeying with me!



  1. like I said….. i didn’t get to hug you goodbye…. sad sad sad…. But you’ll have a blast out there in sunny cali!

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