When girls who have found themselves working in the Thailand bars, often as prostitutes, reach the point where they are looking for a way out, there is a place for them to go. ‘The Well’ is a home, a family, a workplace, a school, with a goal in mind: to restore that which has been in shambles, reconcile that which has been broken, and give hope where it has been deferred.
She learns that her intrinsic value has nothing to do with what men will pay for her. Instead, it is because of Who she belongs to and Who loves her heart and soul enough to pay the ultimate price out of selfless ambition; He did not pay money for her. He gave her His life.She learns that her identity is not ‘prostitute’, ‘dancer’, ‘pretty lady’.Her identity is ‘Daughter’, ‘Beloved’, ‘Chosen’, and ‘Cherished’.She is ‘Narimon’, the Thai word for what Jesus named her: ‘pure’, ‘immaculate’, ‘flawless’, ‘innocent’, ‘spotless’, ‘stainless’, ‘queen’.