Allow me the pleasure of introducing one my housemates, Kelsey Kash. Kelsey joined our little tribe in January and I am continuing to learn new things about her all the time. Let me share with you ten things I have observed/appreciate about this girl.
1.) Kelsey comes from a HUGE family. Seriously. 10 children. 6 have been adopted from Ethiopia. When I first heard this, I was amazed. And I really wanted to meet Kelsey’s family-espeically her parents. God has given them a special grace and mantle to raise up this young generation. I bet their story is amazing.
2.) Kelsey is definitley an introvert. She needs her down time. But, she is also one of the funniest people in my life right now. Her commentary on the goings on of our house leave me in stiches. It’s a good combination π
3.) She went to China this past fall and I can tell it had a huge impact on her. I need to hear more stories from her time there.
4.)After perusing her blogs, I have come to the conclusion that God communicates through her writing. ALOT. She needs to share that gift more. Hear that Kelsey? MORE BLOGS π
5.) Kelsey LOVES watching movies. I think it is how she decompresses. I know I have benefited from the addition of her collection to our house. Jim Henson’s Labrynith, anyone?
6.) I appreciate Kelsey’s level head. This girl is pretty grounded. More than once during team discussions, she has brought us back down to reality. She doesn’t speak up much, but when she does, it is full of wisdom and truth.
7.)After our Tuesday family dinner, she always helps with the dishes. Even though it is technically not her job. I appreciate her servant’s heart.
8.) She has taken the bull by their horns and has accepted the foreboding task of figuring out our crazy driving schedule. With our group, this can get a little nuts. Thanks for taking on the challenge, Kels π
9.)Kelsey has bucked the traditional system and has taken some time off from college. She went to the University of IL for 1.5 years, but felt called the entire time to something different. We are glad she was obedient.
10.) Writing this has made me realize how much more there is to know about this girl. I look forward to walking that out for the next few months. I am glad you are apart of my community!
for more insight into the life of Kelsey, visit her
Go Kelsey! Great to have you here in Gainesville!
There is a lot of stuff to learn about Kels! What a great servant. And you make me want to go find her blog. I love hearing peoples commentaries on life in a community. Reminds me of my kids…. oh the things you find out later!
I look forward to meeting Kelsey and the rest of your new team members. Thanks for posting this Jess.
Bless you sis!
See you at the wedding! π